Thursday, April 14, 2011

Bee Sting Art.

I'm working on a comic with Matt Smith. Bee Sting. I've talked about it before. Well, Free comic book day is coming up and I did a little preview of the book. I made a cover which will probably change when the final product is delivered. But check out that and this sample page. The whole thing is an ode to old slasher movies. The genesis of this thing happened when my wife and Matt started talking on Facebook about Friday the 13th part 5. The most hated entry in the franchise to many. My wife and I have always had a soft spot for that one because of how terrible it is. Terrible yet entertaining. Anyway....

1 comment:

Stephen Phillips said...

I like 5. Just because it wasn't the real Jason doesn't make it bad. The whodunit aspect was a nice twist.

Art looks good.